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Navigating the Wet: Mastering Rainy Day Drives

Rain can turn a standard drive into a treacherous journey. Understanding the risks and preparing accordingly is key to safe rainy day driving.

1. The Dangers of Wet Roads

Rain reduces tyre friction, increasing the risk of hydroplaning, where your car rides atop the water rather than the road.

2. Checking Equipment

Ensure your wipers are in good condition and all lights are functional for maximum visibility.

Tyre Treads and Pressure

Regularly inspect your tyres. A deep tread disperses water more effectively, reducing the risk of hydroplaning.

3. Driving Techniques in Rain

Reduce your speed and increase the following distance. Wet roads reduce grip and increase stopping distances.

Avoiding Hydroplaning

Drive in the tracks of the vehicle in front of you, avoid hard braking, and use the central lanes where water accumulation is typically lower.

4. Tips for Heavy Rain

Use Headlights

Even in light rain, headlights help others see you. However, avoid using high beams as they can reflect off the rain, reducing visibility.

Understand Aquaplaning

If you feel the car aquaplaning, ease off the accelerator and steer in the direction you want to go. Avoid sudden movements.

5. Useful Resources

For further tips and guidelines, The AA’s wet weather driving advice is a valuable resource.

6. Wrapping Up

Rain shouldn’t deter you from reaching your destination. With the right precautions, you can ensure your safety and that of other road users.

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